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Just a little bit about news in real Estate world. Little help about the interior and the way how agency work.

27 September 2021

Is a brokerage agreement required when you use the services of a realtor?

In the course of our business, we have very often encountered this issue. To the questions they asked, our inquisitive clients usually did not receive the expected answers. Why? The answer is quite obvious. We are a real estate agency …

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27 September 2021

Real Estate Laws and Regulations in Serbia

1. REAL ESTATE OWNERSHIP 1.1  Legal framework The Serbian Constitution guarantees the peaceful enjoyment of ownership and other property rights. The Constitution allows restriction in the sense of the manner of using the property, but such restrictions may be imposed only by …

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27 September 2021

What to see in Belgrade

If you are wondering what to see in Belgrade, look no further. Whether you are coming to Belgrade for work, vacation, or fun, keep in mind that there are many exciting things to see and places to visit in Belgrade. …

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